“I require you . . .”

3733. Public and International Notice of Trespass and Breach of Trust http://annavonreitz.com/internationaltrespassandbreachoftrust.pdf

I require you to return all mortgage payments plus interest plus treble damages to
everyone worldwide who has been impacted by this scheme and forced to pay
mortgages they don’t owe for the benefit of guilty corporations.

I require you to return all land and soil and other property assets seized under
these conditions of deliberate self-interested deceit to the most recent American
owners of record.

I require you to establish a Victim’s Fund to pay compensation to the victims of
felonious forced evictions and seizures based on alleged debts owed by fictitious
British Persons and fictitious Municipal CORPORATIONS. I require this Victim’s Fund
to stand open for a hundred years and for all reasonable and customary claims
brought to be charged against the British Crown and the Holy See with prejudice,
such that the claims cannot be charged-back against the victims or otherwise
ameliorated as mutual credit exchange off-sets.

I require you to put these corporations out of business permanently and place
their operators in jail, regardless of any excuses based on their businesses being
chartered or headquartered in United States Insular Possessions.

I require you to establish a Victim’s Fund to pay claims brought against the Holy
See and the British Crown for these offenses against the people they are
supposed to be serving in good faith.

I require you to maintain the Victim’s Fund for at least one hundred years and
make sure that charges to be paid out of this Fund are collected from the British
Crown and the Holy See with prejudice, such that these costs can never be
accounted as expenses charged-back against the victims or otherwise
ameliorated as mutual credit exchanges.

I require you to remove all and any confusion about Amendments made to our
Constitutions versus the By-Law Amendments made to corporation charters aping
our Constitutions.

I require you to clearly identify all corporation By-Law Amendments that have not
been ratified by the States of the Union to avoid any further confusion.

I require you to admit to the General Public and publish the fact that these
corporation charters and By-Law Amendments never ratified by our States, do not
apply to and are not enforceable against Americans. This includes all By-Law
Amendments beginning with the Fourteenth Amendment to the corporation’s
Constitution of the United States of America adopted in 1868.

I require you to return all the income tax payments that have been paid by or
assessed against Americans and American businesses in error, plus interest.

I require you, insomuch as is possible, to return the physical land and soil assets
that have been purloined from the victims of these organized racketeering
operations: businesses, patents, copyrights, family farms, homesteads, homes
mischaracterized as real estate, and I require you to repair or replace all damaged
property assets belonging to the victims who have been injured by this infamous

I require you to release all Americans who have been incarcerated as income tax
cheats who have in fact been misaddressed as British Persons and Municipal

I require you to pay the American victims of this deliberate fraud against our
Constitutions and against each one of them a hundred dollars per hour of time
spent in federal jails for crimes of alleged income tax evasion and I require you to
charge the Holy See and the Government of Westminster for this entire amount
with prejudice and without recourse.

I require you to exonerate all the American people who have been incarcerated for
the crime of not paying income taxes they never owed and I require you to erase
all public records related to these convictions that have been attached to their

I require you to bring an end to these Trespasses against the living people of this
planet, and an end to this abuse of Justice by pirates and slave traders and other
criminals taking refuge in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

I require you to put a permanent end to the use of glosses as a secret code used
to arbitrarily diminish and denigrate the political and economic status of living
people to the level of foreign shelf corporations merely named after them.

I require you to charge back and return all property taxes unlawfully extracted
from Americans in this way, plus interest since 1934, and I call the debt owed by
the British Persons and British Crown Corporations responsible for this gross
Trespass against American property rights.

I require you to charge back and return all property taxes unlawfully extracted
from American in this way, plus interest since 1934, and I call the debt owed by
the Municipal Corporations responsible for this gross Trespass against American
property rights.

I require you to end these acts of Trespass against Americans and American
property rights and require you to liquidate the offending organizations as
organized crime syndicates engaged in racketeering, armed extortion, and fraud
executed under color of law.

I require you to restore all of these to me and to officially recognize the fraud and
impersonation for what it is, admitting that this whole scheme has been deployed
to transfer foreign debt burdens to the actual Preferential Creditors.

I require you to clear my Good Name and acknowledge my true nature and
identity. I require you to clear the way for me and assist in helping me accomplish
my mission upon the Earth.

I require each of you to recognize the difference between what is real and what is
fiction, and to accord me the honorable estate that has been mine since the
Unknown Time when my physical incarnation first began. I require you to settle all
confusion and all controversy regarding my political status as an American who is
not a citizen of any kind, and instruct all your employees that there are millions of
other Americans just like me, who have been unjustly defrauded, misaddressed,
and misidentified as British Persons and Municipal CORPORATIONS that have been
named after these Americans and used as devices to pass the debts of these
foreign corporations off onto the American victims of this fraud scheme.

I require you to take prompt and appropriate action to credit these deposits and
return control of these physical assets to me to be administered by our Fiduciary
Deputies in the days to come.

I require you to acknowledge the harm and the injury this has done, not only to
me, but to the whole world and its economy, for the sake of a few arrogant,
greedy, unscrupulous men, and I require you to move swiftly and with
determination to bring Justice back to the living planet.

I require you to order the return of the American Silver assets and the value plus
interest that is owed to me and to the American States and Nations. I require you
to act as the Transfer Agents for my Fiduciary Account to be used to underwrite
our own American Blue Dot Bank System, which is designed to serve people and
small unincorporated businesses. I require recoupment action against the
commercial banks and the Federal Reserve that benefited themselves at the
expense of the American people.

I require you to reject this self-serving attempt to avoid the debt and these
unscrupulous pretensions being used to evade reality.

I require you to enforce the immediate Involuntary Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of all
British Crown Corporations and Municipal CORPORATIONS worldwide, an action
allowing the actual American Government and Trust Donors to take charge of the

I require you to turn over the Federal Reserve and the commercial banks to the
control and administration of the actual Underwriters — whose silver underpins
their operations and who have suffered the loss of their wealth via inflation that
has benefited these banks at the expense of the whole country — and the world.

I require you to stop the double dipping and coercive taxation and licensing and
payola schemes.

I require you to apply the funds as the Donors have directed and return control of
the World Bank Accounts to the Donors’ direct administration.

I require you to dismantle the illegal commodity rigging funds and coercive control
mechanisms that have been used to enforce artificial outcomes for some
countries and used to harm others.

I require you to return the Public Accounting System to traditional Carriage

I require you to bring the public employee pension funds and so-called externally
managed investment funds back under Public Administration.

I require you to produce simple and honest economic and fiscal reports that the
Public can rely on.

I require you to establish reasonable standards of accountability and disinterested
Third Party oversight protocols.

I require you to take Notice and Warning and act swiftly to remove the Bar
Associations and end their reign of terror which has been decimating national
economies and ruining lives for many decades.

I require you to fully inform all members of your Global, International, and
National Services of the threat this Trespass, Breach of Trust, and Fraud poses to
everyone on Earth.

I require you to perform research and discovery concerning the undisclosed
registration and certification processes that were used to implement the Trespass
of the Sea against the Land, this conspiracy to defraud and to evade the
obligations that these Principals owe to the State Citizens of this country under
their respective constitutions.

I require you to exercise your offices to obtain justice for the living people of this
country and this planet.

I require you to remove the Bar Associations from our sight and to restore the
Constitutional Law we are owed.

I require you to recognize that the living people own these corporations, the
corporations do not own the living people.

I require you to recognize me, a living woman, a non-citizen native of Wisconsin,
an unincorporated State of the Union.

I require you to return my property assets, including my Good Name, gold and
silver and land and earnings that are mine, exemptions that are mine, pass-through services that are mine, rents, fees, leases, compensations and allocations that are mine, freedoms, guarantees, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and
restore all my public and private interests without further obfuscation or delay.

I require you to return all that has been stolen from me by means of deceit, false
legal presumptions, forced undisclosed registrations, and illegal conspiratorial
evasion of our Constitutions.

I require you to alert and instruct all probate, military, district, and penal courts
concerning this situation and make it clear that Americans are presumed to be
Americans and to be standing in their native capacity unless they are currently
and voluntarily employed by the Federal Government.

I require you to put a prompt end to all the above Fraud Schemes, Payment
Evasion Schemes, Identity Thefts and Misrepresentations, Trespasses and Breach
of Trust activities —and I require you to make a good faith effort to fully inform all
police, all military, and all courts worldwide and within the borders of The United

I require you to provide me and our unincorporated Federation of States doing
business as The United States of America since 1776 total global immunity from
all and any charges or legal presumptions arising from these schemes.

I require you to hold me and all other Americans who have been the victims of
this attempted National Identity Theft harmless.

I require your assistance and service as people employed under our Constitutional
Agreements and Treaties to provide the exemptions, pass-through services, and
protections that Americans and their property assets are owed.

I require you to do the accounting and balance the books, both for credit accounts
and physical asset accounts.

I require you to write-off all Odious Debt and return all remaindered pre-paid
credit to the living people to whom it is owed, via special credit accounts made
available and accessible to all.

If you require additional information, I may be contacted here:

Anna Maria Riezinger
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

*** Notice to you as a man or woman makes you absolutely liable for your actions and
inactions. ***

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