Dealing with Bureaucrats

Sovereign Warriors


We keep getting questions from people about dealing with various gov’t agencies, so here’s a FIRST RESPONSE that sovereigns can use to VERIFY anyone’s claim of authority over them.

The first rule of dealing with bureaucrats is to IDENTIFY who they are.

You’re entitled to know who you are dealing with since anyone can print and mail an unsigned letter.  Why ASSUME or PRESUME that they’re a LAWFUL gov’t?  ASK them to CLARIFY who exactly they are.  We’d send them a Writ of Discovery asking about the following:

“Which branch of the united States of America government do you represent?”
Certified copy of their delegation of authority order issued to them by the Congress of the republic of united States of America.
Proof of the signed person’s nationality and political allegiance.
Is their organization or corporation foreign or domestic?
Where their registration number can be verified.
Are they an agency or department of the united States of America?

What is the definition of a “US citizen”, i.e. the territorial meaning of the term “United States”.

Which state of the Union are they a part of?
Under which Article of the Constitution were they established
What is lawful money?
Is your organization or corporation public or private?

If your organization or corporation has a claim against me, produce a copy of the contract on which that claim is based.

State Dept:
Attorney General:

Give them 14 days to respond.
State that if this Writ of Discovery is not satisfied in 14 days by a CERTIFIED (signed and stamped) or VERIFIED (signed under oath) Declaration, the document they sent will be considered invalid and unlawful and an attempt to misrepresent and intimidate you.

Ask the person who sent the notice to come forth and prove their claim of authority.

This is basically a VALIDATION Letter such as those we use to validate a debt, except here we ask for Validation of AUTHORITYQUO WARRANTO.  Our creditors can’t validate our debts since they’re not real creditors, just pretended ones, and won’t assert in court that they’re creditors because then they would have to prove that they suffered a loss, which they didn’t, because they didn’t risk any of their money.

Similarly, today’s gov’t agencies cannot claim LAWFUL authority since they don’t have the authority of law (of the republic) but only act under the COLOR of law (of the democracy).  And they get away with it, UNLESS we demand a validation of their authority.

BTW, most correspondence from bureaucrats is addressed to the all-caps strawman NAME who has limited authority to question his corporate masters.  You gotta make it clear that you’re a living man/woman and NOT the corporate all-caps strawman.

So We’d send it together with a Declaration of Domicile to make it clear that you’re on the land of the republic and not on their corporate Matrix sea.


And this probably could be used on cops too.

I’d ask a cop:  “Are you acting on constitutional or private authority?”

If he answered truthfully, he’d say “private authority” then I could demand to see the two signature signed contract.  If he said “constitutional authority” then I’d give him a copy of this Writ of Discovery to fill out🙂

If you accept a cop’s authority over you, without question, you can’t later argue that he didn’t have authority over you.  But if you challenge that authority (non-violently)  by asking him to fill out the Writ of Discovery, and he refuses to do so then he’s in DISHONOR and you could argue later that the arrest or fine is UNLAWFUL since he acted without lawful authority.

One could even send the Writ of Discovery to his local police dept. to determine their lawful police authority before any run-in with police. 


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